Friday, September 17, 2010

5 Artists

Today in class we were asked to compile a list of 5 artists, and a piece of their artwork, which we most admire. Here's my list. :)

1. Roman Czerwinski
What I really like about his paintings, is the bright colors of the poppies. They're so bright and cheery, and for him they represent freedom, since he's from Poland.


2. Romina Petresku
This particular artist is my cousin, she studied art in Romania, and graduated from an art university in....2008 I think. I really like her style, the way she uses color, and shodow...but particularly her subjects. 
These four paintings are a set, that she painted as a final project during her college years, she was ranked number 1 in Romania. I'm not quite sure what the size of the canvases is....but they're HUGE!

3. Edward Degas

Probably one of the main reasons that I like Degas' paintings, is the ballerinas, especially the bright colors of the bows on their dresses. 

4.George Seurat
I absolutely LOVE his study on the way we perceive color. The different colored dots, is very very fresh and modern, for a man that lived in the 1800-1900's. 

5. Jan Vermeer
Where to begin? The thing that I absolutely adore about this particular painting, is the contrast of lights and darks. THe girl with a pearl earring is also very beautiful...but 
Love it!

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